
Research papers

[1] Heterogeneous Values of One Data Point: Active Label Acquisition in Assortment Optimization
Mo Liu, Junyu Cao, Zuo-jun Max Shen. To be resubmitted to Management Science. [link] [Slides]

[2] Active Learning in the Predict-then-Optimize Framework: A Margin-Based Approach
Mo Liu, Paul Grigas, Heyuan Liu, Zuo-jun Max Shen. To be resubmitted to Management Science. [link] [Slides]

[3] Learning from Click Transition Data: The Effectiveness of Greedy Pricing Policy under Dynamic Product Availability
Mo Liu, Junyu Cao, Zuo-jun Max Shen. To be submitted to Management Science. [link] , [5-minute Talk] (Previous version) [Slides] (Previous version)

[4] Active Learning by Prediction Uncertainty: Applications in Contextual Stochastic Linear Optimization
Mo Liu, Paul Grigas, Zuo-jun Max Shen. Woking paper.

[5] End-to-End Deep Learning for Automatic Inventory Management with Fixed Ordering Cost
Mo Liu, Meng Qi, Zuo-jun Max Shen. Working paper. [link]

Patent in application

Machine Learning And Optimization With Partially Observable Time Series Data
Zachary Xue, Mo Liu, Markus Ettl, Shivaram Subramanian

Selected Talks